
Saturday, December 7, 2013

It has been my fault ALL along.I just updated my settings now ANYONE can comment and tell me what you think.I'm so sorry! I just figured it out.I should probably change the theme of the blog too.With all this snow and freezing cold outside it doesn't look right.....Hmm what do you think?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Listen up.

i think freckles, stretch marks, tattoos, bruises, birthmarks and scars are probably the coolest thing, you started with almost a blank canvas and look at you now, all this evidence that you’ve lived and the sun has shone on you and you’ve grown and maybe tripped up a few times and liked an image so much u made it a permanent part of you!! beautiful!!!

And kid, you’ve got to love yourself. You’ve got wake up at four in the morning, brew black coffee, and stare at the birds drowning in the darkness of the dawn. You’ve got to sit next to the man at the train station who’s reading your favorite book and start a conversation. You’ve got to come home after a bad day and burn your skin from a shower. Then you’ve got to wash all your sheets until they smell of lemon detergent you bought for four dollars at the local grocery store. You’ve got to stop taking everything so goddam personally. You are not the moon kissing the black sky. You’ve got to compliment someones crooked brows at an art fair and tell them that their eyes remind you of green swimming pools in mid July. You’ve got to stop letting yourself get upset about things that won’t matter in two years. Sleep in on Saturday mornings and wake yourself up early on Sunday. You’ve got to stop worrying about what you’re going to tell her when she finds out. You’ve got to stop over thinking why he stopped caring about you over six months ago. You’ve got to stop asking everyone for their opinions. Fuck it. Love yourself, kiddo. You’ve go to love yourself

Oh Dear it's November!

I sincerely apologize for being gone for such long time.I really do not know what I've been doing to be away from this blog.I think I forgot about it.I'm alive and good! NO need to worry.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Be beautiful inside and out

How to talk to your daughter about her body, step one: don’t talk to your daughter about her body, except to teach her how it works.
Don’t say anything if she’s lost weight. Don’t say anything if she’s gained weight.
If you think your daughter’s body looks amazing, don’t say that. Here are some things you can say instead:
“You look so healthy!” is a great one.
Or how about, “you’re looking so strong.”
“I can see how happy you are – you’re glowing.”
Better yet, compliment her on something that has nothing to do with her body.
Don’t comment on other women’s bodies either. Nope. Not a single comment, not a nice one or a mean one.
Teach her about kindness towards others, but also kindness towards yourself.
Don’t you dare talk about how much you hate your body in front of your daughter, or talk about your new diet. In fact, don’t go on a diet in front of your daughter. Buy healthy food. Cook healthy meals. But don’t say “I’m not eating carbs right now.” Your daughter should never think that carbs are evil, because shame over what you eat only leads to shame about yourself.
Encourage your daughter to run because it makes her feel less stressed. Encourage your daughter to climb mountains because there is nowhere better to explore your spirituality than the peak of the universe. Encourage your daughter to surf, or rock climb, or mountain bike because it scares her and that’s a good thing sometimes.
Help your daughter love soccer or rowing or hockey because sports make her a better leader and a more confident woman. Explain that no matter how old you get, you’ll never stop needing good teamwork. Never make her play a sport she isn’t absolutely in love with.
Prove to your daughter that women don’t need men to move their furniture.
Teach your daughter how to cook kale.
Teach your daughter how to bake chocolate cake made with six sticks of butter.
Pass on your own mom’s recipe for Christmas morning coffee cake. Pass on your love of being outside.
Maybe you and your daughter both have thick thighs or wide ribcages. It’s easy to hate these non-size zero body parts. Don’t. Tell your daughter that with her legs she can run a marathon if she wants to, and her ribcage is nothing but a carrying case for strong lungs. She can scream and she can sing and she can lift up the world, if she wants.
Remind your daughter that the best thing she can do with her body is to use it to mobilize her beautiful soul.

Friday, September 6, 2013

You Are You Because Of You

Don’t you get it? There is no other you. Out of the six and a half billion people on earth, not a single one of them has had the same experiences in life that you have had. None of them share the exact same passions and struggles. None of them have lived your life. None of them.
You are the product of you, and nothing else. Every decision you have ever made over your entire life has led you exactly to where you are right at this moment. Simplified… You are you because of you.
I am me because of me.
And everybody else is everybody else because of what they did to get there. Because of their own choices. Because of their own paths.
There is no “normal” because there isn’t a single common trait shared by “everyone”. There is nothing that everyone is doing or that everyone is.
— Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing


Hi guys I've been away for so long.School started and I'm not amused.I simply hate the things that go along with school like : anxiety,stress,no time to sleep and many many more but we have to make it through this year even if it kills us.The only way to get out of school as fast as you can is to study hard.....Ih and Happy Friday and First Weekend,the only days I am happy and stress-free.Isn't pathetic that we wait for the weekend all week and when it comes it lasts like 2 seconds and we go to school and still the weekend is the only thing that keep us motivated to wake up in the morning ? Isn't it ? September be good....please ~ Maya

Friday, August 16, 2013

''The reason why most relationships don’t last long is that because most couples are just lovers but they’re not friends. That the relationship they got engaged in was based only on physical attraction, lust if you want to be brutal. It’s like they rushed into a relationship with only their physical admiration for each other not knowing everything that makes a relationship going. So when the physical attraction wore off, nothing hold them back together and the tendency is for them to break up. So just like everyone else is saying, it is better if a couple was not just lovers, but friends as well. So while looking for that someone you wanna give your heart with, you’ll not just going to find a girlfriend/boyfriend in their being, you’re also looking for a bestfriend. It’s not just about hitting two birds in one stone, it’s your heart and your happiness that’s at stake here. ''

this is the most beautiful thing I've ever read.People need to know that love isn't just physical attraction it's friendship.If you're going to spend the rest of your life with one person,you need to know them,talk without words,you need to know the look into their eyes and know what are they feeling.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Necessity is the mother of invention.

For people who don't have time to bathe or access to fresh water, a South African college student has a solution: a shower gel users simply rub onto their skin. One small packet replaces one bath, and users never need any water. Ludwick Marishane's inspiration was a lazy friend, but his invention will be a boon to people who live in areas where clean water is in short supply. 
The gel, called Drybath, kills germs, moisturizes the skin and exudes a pleasant, light smell, unlike hand sanitizers.The gel is packaged in small, easy-to-open sachets that were a South African invention.
Marishane got the idea to sell individual packets when he learned from mentors that the world's poorest people buy things in very small quantities, such as one cigarette at a time as opposed to a pack or a carton, he said in the presentation. How genius!!!!! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims!

Isn’t it good to know that no matter what happened yesterday, no matter what you said, no matter what you did, God’s mercy is new for you today? Mercy is empowering. It frees us to make the right choices and live in a way that is pleasing to God. We have to always remember that God is not condemning us. Romans tells us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. God wants to love us and equip us to overcome in this life.
Do you need new mercy today? Receive it by faith. You don’t have to beg God to forgive you. He forgives you the first time you ask, but it’s up to you to receive that forgiveness. Open your heart today and receive His mercy. Let Him wash over you with His peace and joy. Then choose to extend that mercy to others. Remember, you are God’s representative in the earth. As you show His love and character to others, He’ll pour out His blessing upon you and use you in ways you never dreamed!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thank You

500 views ALREADY!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your undivided attention,As you can see I made some adjustments to my blog to celebrate
                                                   IT'S A GLORIOUS OCCASION 

What We Carry

This painting is speechless,it just explains it all.Get into it

Friday, August 2, 2013

Movie Night aka Friday

From now and on every friday I'm going to watch atleast one movie.This friday I'm going to watch movies form 80s. *Drum Roll* I have chosen : The Breakfast Club (1985) and Mommie Dearest (1981).For next week I'm thinking 90s like Clueless which I have seen a thousand times but never get bored of it and so on.

                                      Happy August and enjoy your weekend to the max ~ Maya
BreakFast Club: 


 Mommie Dearest

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What really makes

There's so many things,the list is endless but you really know who are you? Im in that state when sometimes I don't know what I really want but there are times when I'm like : ''I found me''.But Im mostly confused.When I'm shopping I really feel inspired and really free,it makes me feel alive.Just by the thought of putting outfits together I get goose bumps.I'm not saying I'm the most fashionable person and has the most beautiful clothes because I don't....I'm low on the budget right I know and can tell when a clothing is impeccable in its own way.I just know.When It comes to fashion I really look up to people like :Rihanna,Kanye West,Masion Martin Margiela,Riccardo Tisci and many more,but now I'm like " oh I can do better than that''.I discovered this today.I feel complete.There's music that makes me feel empowering.It is.I feel more secure and fly.And paintings.Like Wow they are really beautiful,when you see a Basquiat painting you're like ''there's magic..really''..........You should really find something that makes you feel complete and free.Don't waste your time hooked up on meanless things.That's my message for today? Find YOU

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Jean Michel Basquiat.SAMO is Alive

''In 1976, Jean-Michel Basquiat began "writing" his unique brand of graffiti throughout Manhattan under the name "SAMO." His work from the first consisted of conceptual, enigmatic combinations of words and symbols, executed with the curt simplicity of a late Roman inscription. Graduating from subway walls to canvas and from the streets of New York to the galleries of Soho, Basquiat took the art world by storm with his rampageous one man show at Annina Nosei's gallery, early in 1982. ''
He was amazing.I just heard about him couple weeks ago and I absolutely fell in Love with his paintings.When you see then for the first time you really think that is drawn in a obscure way and it's just graffiti,but it's not.You can really see him thinking because he has scratched words all over,He said that when he used to paint he didn't think about art,He thought about Life!! Then He and his friend used to be called 'SAMO' as in same old shit,they used to paint in walls and everything and if you see those painting they also have a meaning and it's not just graffiti,it's art.And when Basquiat and his friend [Diaz] ended their friendship The SAMO project ended with the epitaph "SAMO IS DEAD," inscribed on the walls of SoHo buildings in 1979.He was a true pioneer.Believe it or not,I can actually draw - Basquiat 

SAMO as an end to mindwash religion, nowhere politics and bogus philosophy

Email/comment if you want to ask me anything and I will publish the Questions in my blog by answering  them.Email me at ~ Maya

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

3 AM

400 views! Thank You.It may not be a lot but atleast I know I'm not talking to myself.Love to everybody from each country.

Somebody should make me one of these so I could break it. ~ Maya 

Friday, July 19, 2013


We've all seen  Kanye throw tantrums every once in a while but if you look closely he's RIGHT! I agree with him absolutely.He may be a little bit self-centered but art is not being rewarded as much these days.Look up at facts.Honestly Taylor Swift shouldn't have won that award at the 2009 VMAs,Beyonce should have.Or the 2006 VMAs when he went on stage because Justice won "Best Video" and he later said "I don't care what I do, I don't care how much I stunt – you can never take away from the amount of work I put into it.''. Or when MTV didn't let him open the show but Britney Spears did instead and he said "Mabye my skin's not right'' And many many more.MTV doesn't rate art,it has lost it's credibility.He's brutally honest,and doesn't care about opinions.Society clearly is not used to that much honesty.And now FRESH news,he tried to take this paparazzi's camera and the whole situation is hyped

- Kanye West didn’t attack anyone, or do anything angrily or viciously
- A paparazzi was paid to goad him while filming it, and Kanye pointed out that he knew what the pap was trying to do, and then reached out and purposefully tried to take the pap’s video camera to stop him recording
- Kanye is being charged for attempted robbery (no ‘violence’)
- The paramedics were called to the scene by a media outlet (I’m hearing it’s TMZ who orchestrated it) to make the whole thing seem worse than it was''

                               ''Don't forget America this is how you made me'' - Jay Z 

                                Kanye is a genius,but aren't all a little bit crazy?!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

3 AM

I slept all evening and now I'm wide awake,I just want to watch the sunrise.I considered it the most beautiful thing in this World.God's work,what can I say huh?! And all this time I've been thinking about what's going on in this planet,it's disappointing to think that the whole world evolves around the most stupid things,people only care about money and fame.And the Trayvon Martin case really just opened my eyes to see that in what reality we are living in.It's the most  saddest news to know that a man got AWAY with a second degree murder....................WHAT?!!!!!!! that's my reaction..BULLSHIT......And in the same week Chris Brown probation got revoked.And he'll be back in court in august to find out if he's going to jail or not.And if he is found guilty,he will serve jail time for 4 YEARS!!! .......................WHAT?!!!!! It's disappointing America.And what really made me snap at the whole situation was Barack Obama's reaction to Trayvon Martin case.He didn't even get into it.People are protesting how the fuck are you going to ignore that?

And the death of Cory Montheit was devastating  as well.He OD'd in heroin mixed with some other drugs.Now we've seen these cases before.As soon as fame comes along,they get blind and the next thing you know ''found dead in a hotel room''.Cliche.But he was a genuine good person,he had a beautiful soul,he was clearly depressed,I feel bad for him,it's even more sad for Lea Michele,I will pray for her,it's a tough time for her.

And I believe you have heard for Talia the girl who survived cancer and appeared on Ellen! This is heartbreaking.She was a FIGHTER,she dealt with life and as I'm writing my eyes are filled with tears,It's just that I know what it feel like my sister survived cancer and it was the hardest thing ever,but she was able to bounce back now's she's STRONGER than ever.R.I.P Talia you'll always be remembered beautiful lady
Well that's all folks.Good people die young,it's sad to look.They will always be remembered,Do not shead a tear but celebrate their lives,they are in a good place.In Heaven

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Think Again

''This sort of behavior used to irritate me until I learned about how invasive paparazzi are in America. There are no laws against it.I’ve also realized, that by flipping off the camera, the pictures can’t be sold to magazines because of “profanity”. So really, she’s just protecting herself {talking about Kristen Stewart}

ike that time Marilyn Manson went to the airport with FUCK written across his face and he kept apologizing to everyone and people with kids and stuff but he had to so the paparazzi couldn’t take and sell pictures of him
Don't demonize celebs who do this They are trying for privacy if only a little''
This really changes everything,they don't really have a choice,they need to protect themselves.We can't really understand how it's like to be chased down the street by strangers and making money off of you.I just get the rage they have when they breaking cameras and punching paparazzi.I have more respect for people that are on the public eye,It really makes sense.



Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Magna Carta Holy Grail

This album is perfection.In my opinion Jay Z is a Genius.The album is sublime,flawless.I can't find the Word to explain it.I just think he only made this album to show everybody that he still got it and he's a King! The album is deep and you should listen carefully.If you still haven't heard it,you should!! This album totally changed hip-hop.These are the NEW RULES! He is a legend already.And last night was random at how he started responding to fans and his critics on Twitter.It's Hov time in no time, it's fuck all y'all season
~ Majah

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why I hate Fashion Blogs

Fashion isn’t about regurgitating celebrities and big brands. Of course I love the shit out of Chanel,I will not be painted a hypocrite by Internet-numbed ‘hipsters’ scrutinizing anything mainstream and they’re out for blood. Our culture is not created by constantly searching for the best, new thing. Glass-eyed teenagers drunk on social media all fighting for the bragging rights that come with experiencing anything first. Once something is approved it is absorbed and becomes reblogged into infinite position in popular culture; a place where self-conscious teenagers hide and wait to be told what is safe to love and promote without fear of peer scrutiny. We are all so scared to express what it is we truly find fucking cool. 
This is why our culture is dying. We are supposed to take in everything our media, pop culture, and society has to offer and reflect what responds to you. We all like different, obscure things but we all love the same stupid, cliche crap. And I don’t want to have to feel bad about that.They are all things that equal me. My blog, nay my life, is not an exercise in mainstream vs. alternative. It’s about me and the things I put out in the world, and the world and the things it puts out for me. Don’t judge people about their shit because if they love it, that is all the explanation needed. It’s like we actually like to make the things we have in common a negative. Do what you think is right. If you only do the things you love and make you happy, and allowed others to do the same. Problems solved. We all crave to be different when all we really need is the human understanding that basically we are all the same.
Be yourself. We’re not all black Louboutins and denim cutoffs are we?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Not emotionally stable

I had a rough week because my dad got sick and he had a surgery,I got really sad but I thank God for saving my Dad.Tough times but only God can lead me to right path,and I thank him for that everyday.I just appreciate life more now,and I understand how 'to live' actually is.Living Life is not easy,You gotta make sacrifices for your loved ones and honestly sometimes you think that others life is easy..It's not Life will beat us up sooner or later.We just gotta be prepared and get through that.I'm feeling kind of different,I just can't explain.I'm more emotional,and get affected my people's opinions.I don't want that,This is not me.I'm not a person that cries alot,I'm not someone who doesn't laugh,I love laughing,but now everything seems dull.I'm confused,I don't know what's going on around me let alone inside me.Happiness is ALL that matters.And family.Money should not control your life.When we die we can't keep them,but we probably spend them all cause the pain ain't cheap.Don't let money take control of your life.Don't be bitter.Get better.

                       That's all I want you to know and not to forget.We all want and need love...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My weird weekend with a chihuahua!

It was Saturday morning,i woke up ate breakfast,cleaned a little and around afternoon, my mom and dad come home and as I was about to close the front door,I see a (don't judge me,my first impression) ugly creature....I was like : I know we've discussed  we'll get a dog but this thing.....So they explained It was my dad's friend,we're going to keep it till monday.At first I was scared to touch her and basically be near her,because I thought in any second she will chop any of my toes,but I got used to her,but I couldn't stand at how messy things got when she came,she would stay in the garden/balcony and will get inside with those feet...YUCK! I was disgusted.But she got so attached to my dad,everywhere he went she would go,and around evening my dad and mom went out for a walk,and she was supposed to sleep but she was at the front door waiting for my dad.So I got a little emotional,and then she came to my room and layed down on my bed (and then again,I was not comfortable with that) and I went to cuddle with her.....but BOY did she smell,she farted alot,so I couldn't stand that and let her run around.But we couldn't let her sleep inside,my dad left her outside in our garden,she spent half of the night at the window hoping that we will let her inside.....not evil but it didn't happen.SUNDAY: We had a good day with her till my mom got mad at how the house smelt and my sister and dad took her for a walk and then take her to our balcony and let her chill there but she ALWAYS  wanted to get inside...So now is around midnight,,she was on the balcony,but we let her in because we was kind of "crying" and my siblings felt sorry and let her sleep on the couch (disgusting huh?) but I'm glad my mom and dad will return her to its owner and she will be happy,because I can feel she's a little bit homesick...well glad we gotta leave tomorrow
Well here she is at our home 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Inspiration at its finest

''Chris had the pleasure of meeting a powerful young man, Mo this past weekend at Summer Jam who suffers from a severe physical disability. He is graduating from high school on June 13 and will attend Nova College in the fall. His #1 goal in life is to meet Chris Brown who has inspired him, and is his hero. We are so happy to have achieved that and allowed Mo to live out his dream.

His letter to Chris was a very powerful and touching message. 

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.’ I am not afraid to fail, because I understand that life is a process of trials and tribulations. We are at our weakest when we forget to believe in ourselves, and our dreams. I want to act, perform, be famous, and show the world who I really am, so I can set an example for kids like me. I know that these are big dreams, but I learned from Chris Brown that your dreams are never too big, and when you fall get right back up, and try again.

Chris Brown taught himself to sing and dance at a young age…a self-motivated artist who made it big, built a name for himself, and became a world sensation. But one mistake, made him fall to rock bottom, and no one believed he would be the same again. Society makes it hard for you to forget your past, and move on to a new page. But sometimes we can rise above that darkness and be the people we have always aspired to be. ''

See I just hate the HATE this man gets for whatever he did years ago,the damage is done.Stop it right there.This is the half of him that the media IGNORES,and instead puts bullshit.The hate that he gets on a daily is crazy,and he's so positive and happy.If you were in his shoes you wouldn't last an hour.He's been through alot but still manages to keep his head high and basically not give a shit.The society is killing people and we can't see it or we ignore it.Just because he's on the spotlight doesn't mean he can't defend himself and not snap at you (twitter BS),and the next thing he gets called out name like : ignorant,arrogant,rude etc. But you instead don't feel guilty for being rude to him.And the most disturbing thing is that Rihanna's fans are always the ones to talk shit,but she forgave him why would you still go there? I just believe nobody will get that he's a very genuine good person and extremely talented,I don't think people really focus on his work and music.He is the next Michael Jackson.A Legend. ~ Majah

My strategy to succeed in life

My strategy is so basic and simple,In life you will be having happy moments and sad ones,but you need to control it,when the situation is serious you need to take it SERIOUS and quit playing around and handle it.Basically I was/am an A grade student,let me tell you I'm not a genius.I'm smart,in the way that I am focused on what I do and pay attention other than that I hate School just like everybody else but you need to  force yourself to be great because that way you'll have a better future.I don't really think about the present that much,I have my mind at what will I do in the future.Am I going to be a failure or a success? the motto is: Work Hard,Party even Harder! That saying keeps me going.I'm a type of person that plans every step of the way,not a control-freak but you know make sure I'm in the right path.I love to have fun, but you can't spend the rest of your life partying it doesn't work that way and it will never work.Sooner or later we all going to have our moment to just chill and party,but you gotta chose that wisely ~ Majah

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My idea of looking: CLASSY and Hot

So here it is the dress is very simple,and that makes it even more perfect!!

And for the the shoes I've chosen hot 'Giuseppe Zanotti' sneakers which will make the dress look complete or even you can wear it will all white platform sneakers

 And if you want to add swag to
this outfit,wear "Coco and Breezy" shades
A little bit of Confidence and sexiness you will look AMAZING!! And RED LIPS ,and you ready to go 
as I say you'll be looking WELL PUT TOGETHER. ~ Majah