
Monday, February 25, 2013

Well dont you sometimes just wake up in the morning and say "Im tired of being fat and disgusting,im going to start a Diet".Yes I know We All do...The reason that we feel that way was it because you met an old friend that you havent seen for a long time,and the last time you've seen them they were fat & ugly and there they are looking like Skinny bitches and you feel the urge to change your lifestyle and start eating healthy, or or you were scrolling through tumblr or whatever and you just saw this
Yeah yeah but then you see a pic like this --------------->And theres a heat inside you body that make you swallow and think " Fuck it,I will start my diet on monday?'' THESE PICTURES KEEP RUINING MY LIFE!!! I mean dietologist say that you SHOULDNT diet but you should exercise and eat healthy..But ain't nobody got time to exercise!!! I need something fast!!!! So starving is an option.I think people are brainwashed with the idea of perfect and skinny,but nobody is like that.But I think If you want to reach a goal you should give 110% because that's the only way to succeed.

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