
Thursday, February 28, 2013



 “I think things are beautiful when you don’t plan them, and you don’t have any expectations,      and you’re not trying to get somewhere in particular.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

So well I've decided that every Tuesday Im going to post something different and lets say interesting on my blog...So for today Ive found this amazing story!!! ..A little bit Creppy! Lol Enjoy..
                                                         The Expressionless 
In June of 1972, a woman appeared in Cedar Senai hospital in nothing but a white gown covered in blood. Now this in itself should not be too surprising as people often have accidents nearby and come to the nearest hospital for medical attention. But there were two things that caused people who saw her to vomit and flee in terror.The first, being that she wasn’t exactly human. She resembled something close to a mannequin, but had the dexterity and fluidity of a normal human being. Her face, was as flawless as a mannequins, devoid of eyebrows and smeared in make-up. That’s the other reason people were throwing up or fleeing in terror.
She had a kitten clenched in between her teeth, her jaws clamped so unnaturally tightly around it to the point where no teeth could be seen, the blood was still squirting out over her gown and onto the floor. She then pulled it out of her mouth, tossed it aside and collapsed.
From the moment she stepped through the entrance to when she was taken to a hospital room and cleaned up before being prepped for sedation, she was completely calm, expressionless and motionless. The doctors had thought it best to restrain her until the authorities could arrive and she did not protest. They were unable to get any kind of response from her and most staff members felt too uncomfortable to look directly at her for more than a few seconds.
But the second the staff tried to sedate her, she fought back with extreme force. Two members of staff holding her down as her body rose up on the bed with that same, blank expression.
She turned her emotionless eyes towards the male doctor and did something unusual. She smiled.
As she did, the female doctor screamed and let go out of shock. In the womans mouth were not human teeth, but long, sharp spikes. Too long for her mouth to close fully without causing any damage…
The male doctor stared back at her for a moment before asking “What in the hell are you?”She cracked her neck down to her shoulder to observe him, still smiling.
There was a long pause, the security had been alerted and could be heard coming down the hallway.
As he heard them, she darted forward, sinking her teeth into the front of his throat, ripping out his jugular & letting him fall to the floor, gasping for air as he choked on his own blood.
She stood up and leaned over him, her face coming dangerously close to his as the life faded from his eyes.
She leaned closer and whispered in his ear.
“I…am….God….”The doctors eyes filled with fear as he watched her calmly walk away to greet the security men. His last ever sight would be watching her feast on them one by one.
The female doctor who survived the incident named her “The Expressionless”.
                                           There was never a sighting of her again.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Well people annoy me so much!!!! I would rather spend my whole day listening to music and watching movies than spending time having a conversation with stupid people,there's too many kinds of people,but it seems like I only get to meet those that I dont like.for example: People that talk too much are probably the worst,they talk too much but they basically dont say nothing..2.People that talk about themselves all the time,listen I don't care because you're just trying to brag and make me feel like a failure..3.People that talk too fast...I feel dizzy,please don't!!! 4.People that are trying too impress someone,I mean all the girls are like that..5.People that interrup you...ITS MY TURN NOW BITCH!!!.....6.People that bitch about their life make me fucking depressed cos they put me in deep thoughts....7.People that dont listen to you,I feel very offended cos I listened to your story about random& boring ass stuff etc....I JUST want to meet people that are all eyes on you and talk about stuff you like too and understand you,and are just...interesting and are funny!! You rarely get to meet those kind of people in your lifetime,so dont let them get out of your life!! But the whole point was that people at the end are backstabber and fucking idiots and you should be careful theres many many of them that they trying to mess up your life.Ok that's all I had Bye!!
Well dont you sometimes just wake up in the morning and say "Im tired of being fat and disgusting,im going to start a Diet".Yes I know We All do...The reason that we feel that way was it because you met an old friend that you havent seen for a long time,and the last time you've seen them they were fat & ugly and there they are looking like Skinny bitches and you feel the urge to change your lifestyle and start eating healthy, or or you were scrolling through tumblr or whatever and you just saw this
Yeah yeah but then you see a pic like this --------------->And theres a heat inside you body that make you swallow and think " Fuck it,I will start my diet on monday?'' THESE PICTURES KEEP RUINING MY LIFE!!! I mean dietologist say that you SHOULDNT diet but you should exercise and eat healthy..But ain't nobody got time to exercise!!! I need something fast!!!! So starving is an option.I think people are brainwashed with the idea of perfect and skinny,but nobody is like that.But I think If you want to reach a goal you should give 110% because that's the only way to succeed.

How do I start?

Well....basically i hate my life and I've decided to tell you all about it...of course if you're reading I just think im indecisive,Im messy...I hate myself,the reason that I opened this blog is that I want to inspire people with my thoughts,I think too much and nobody gets to hear what I want and the opinion I have on ...EVERYTHING!!! And Im tired of this situation that Im in....For a long time I wanted to be a writer,and decided to sent  my teacher an essay I worked for 2 weeks to rate it...she didnt look happy..believe me :( then I settled my mind to be a musician,well that's still my dream but Idont know If im talented enough.And more and more things,The only talent that I have is to eaaaaaaat and to reblog.
I have so many thing on my mind but I dont know how to express them 
this is what Im talking about